英國物治電療機系列 Veritymedical made in UK
NeuroTrac® PelviTone Dual channel NMES device for Incontinence
NeuroTrac® PelviTone STIM (NMS)
Dual channel NMES device for Incontinence
Brand: Veritymedical
Made in UK
產品特點 Features:
Accesories supplied with the device:
- Dual lead wire x 2 - 9 V PP3 battery
- Soft bag
- Operating Manual - Gift Box
- Vaginal Probe
Technical Data:
Output current: 0-90 mA (with 500Ω load)
Waveform:Symmetrical, rectangular
Pulse Frequency:2- 100 Hz
Phase Duration:50-330 μs
Output modes:Continuos,Work/Rest
Weight:130 g
Power Supply:PP3 9V batterry
NeuroTrac® Rehab Dual Channel TENS 經皮神經電刺激 and NMES 肌肉電刺激
NeuroTrac® Rehab Dual TENS and NMES (Pain relief)
Brand: Veritymedical
Made in UK
產品特點 Features:
(TENS) 經皮神經電刺激 (緩解疼痛)
(NMS) 肌肉電刺激 (肌肉訓練)
Accesories supplied with the device:
- Dual lead wire x 2
- Self adhesive electrodes (50 x 50 mm) - 9 V PP3 battery
- Soft bag
- Operating Manual
- Gift Box
Technical Data:
Output current: 0-90 mA (with 500Ω load)
Waveform:Asymmetrical, rectangular
Pulse Frequency:2- 100 Hz
Phase Duration:50-450 μs
Output modes:Burst, Continuos,Modulated, Work/Rest
Weight:90 g
Power Supply:PP3 9V batterry
NeuroTrac® MultiTENS TENS (Pain relief) 舒緩痛楚治療機
NeuroTrac® MultiTENS TENS (Pain relief)
Brand: Veritymedical
Made in UK
產品特點 Features:
如: 肩膀痛;肌肉痛; 幻支痛; 背痛;腳痛;坐骨神經痛等
Accessories supplied with the device:
- Dual lead wire x 2
- Self adhesive electrodes (50 x 50 mm) - 9 V PP3 battery
- Soft bag
- Operating Manual
- Gift Box
Technical Data:
Output current: 0-90 mA (with 500Ω load)
Waveform:Asymmetrical, rectangular
Pulse Frequency:2- 100 Hz
Phase Duration:50-450 μs
Output modes:Burst, Continuos,Modulated, Work/Rest
Weight:90 g
Power Supply:PP3 9V batterry
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro EMG tool for Biofeedback
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus Pro
Brand: Veritymedical
Made in UK
STIM (Neuromuscular Stimulation)
Wireless (Bluetooth) connection
Accessories supplied with the device:
- Dual lead wire
- EMG reference wire
- Self adhesive electrodes (50 x 50 mm) - 1.5 V AAA batteries x4
- Soft bag
- Operating Manual
- Gift Box
Optional:- Vaginal Probe
Technical data:
EMG Range: 0.2 - 2000 μV RMS
Sensitivity: 0.1 μV RMS
Output current: 0-90 mA (with 500Ω load)
Waveform: Symmetrical, rectangular
Pulse Frequency: 2- 100 Hz
Phase Duration: 50-330 μs
Weight: 140 g
Power Supply: 4 x 1.5 V AAA batteries
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus4 Pro ,功能分類: EMG and ETS
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus4 Pro
Brand: Veritymedical
Made in UK
STIM (Neuromuscular Stimulation)
Up to 10 metres of wireless (Bluetooth) connection for NeuroTrac Software.
Accessories supplied with the device:
- Dual lead wire x 4
- EMG reference wire
- Self adhesive electrodes (50 x 50 mm) - 1.5 V AA batteries x4
- Carrying Case
- Stand
- Rubber sleeve with belt clip
- Operating Manual
- Gift Box
Technical Data:
EMG Range: 0.2 - 2000 μV RMS
Sensitivity: 0.1 μV RMS
Output current: 0-90 mA (with 500Ω load)
Waveform: Symmetrical, rectangular
Pulse Frequency: 2- 100 Hz
Phase Duration: 50-450 μs
Weight: 160 g
Power Supply: 4 x 1.5 V AA batteries
NeuroTrac® MultiTENS TENS (Pain relief) 舒緩痛楚治療機使用示範。
NeuroTrac® MyoPlus4 Pro ,功能分類: EMG and ETS 使用示範。
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